Italian Beans and Potatoes

1 1b Italian green beans (Romano beans) cut into 1.5" pieces
1/2 lb russet potatoes peeled and cut into chunks
1 T chopped parsley
2 cloves chopped garlic
2 T olive oil
salt & pepper to taste

Steam the beans until tender. Drain and set aside.

Boil the potatoes until cooked through. Reserve some of the cooking water. Drain and set aside.

Put olive oil in the bottom of a medium saucepan. When the oil is hat add the garlic and saute until soft. Add the potatoes and toss in the olive oil then stir in the beans. Add some of the reserved potato water and stir. You are looking for the potatoes to get a bit fuzzy. Add more water as needed until a thick sauce forms. Add the chopped parsley, salt and pepper.

Makes 4 servings.


This is a simple recipe but it depends on using the right potatoes. They have to be waxy enough to not break down completely as you cook them with the beans. When done, the beans will be slightly overcooked. That is good!

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