Sweet and Hot Curried Zucchini Pickles

Sweet and Hot Curried Zucchini Pickles

11/2 lbs zucchini
1 small red onion
2 red jalapeno chilies, seeded and cut into slivers
2 T kosher salt
1 1/3 c distilled white vinegar
1/3 c dry sherry
3/4 c orange juice
1 c sugar
1 T curry powder
1/2 t cayenne pepper
1/2 t whole allspice
1/2 t whole cloves
1 medium clove garlic, crushed and peeled
1 T peeled and finely slivered fresh gingerroot
1/3 c golden raisins

Trim the ends of the zucchini and cut on a slight diagonal into about 1/8 inch slices. Peel and half the red onion; cut into thin slices. Put the vegetables into a nonreactive bowl and stir in the chilies and salt, mixing well. Set aside at room temperature 1 hour. Drain and rinse well to remove the salt; drain well again. Rinse and dry bowl; transfer vegetables back into it.

In a medium-size nonreactive saucepan, combine the vinegar, sherry, orange juice, sugar, curry, cayenne, allspice, cloves, garlic and ginger. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer gently 3 minutes; stir well to dissolve sugar. Remove from heat and stir in raisins.

Pour pickling liquid over the vegetables and cool to room temperature. Cover and refrigerate at least 4 hours. The pickles will hold in the refrigerator up to 3 weeks.

Makes about 4 cups.


I cut the zucchini into 1/4" slices, I think they stay crisper.

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