Fried Clams

8 medium clams, shucked
1/4 c milk
1/4 c cornmeal
3 T flour
1 T Cajun seasoning
salt & pepper

Drain clams of liquid and pour milk over them.

Combine flour, cornmeal and Cajun seasoning. Add 1/2 t salt and 1/4 t pepper.

Heat oil over medium heat in a heavy skillet. Shake milk from clams and roll in flour/cornmeal mixture. Fry until golden on one side, turn and fry the other side until golden. Be careful not to cook them too long. They should be barely cooked through. Sprinkle with salt as soon as you remove them from the frying pan. Serve with lemon wedges and tartar sauce.

Makes 2 servings.


In March or April the first clam tides get us down on the beach with a shovel and bucket. We dig up the clams, bring them home and let them soak in salt water sprinkled with corn meal for 24 hours. Then pull out the mid-sized ones to use for this dish. Here is a hint, put the clams in the freezer for 1/2 hour (no longer). They will be much easier to open.

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