
8 c chicken broth (preferably homemade)
3 eggs
1/4 c grated parmesan cheese
1/4 c breadcrumbs or semolina flour
1/2 c pastina pasta (or some other small soup pasta - optional)
2 T chopped freh italian parsley
salt and pepper to taste

Bring broth to a boil in a large saucepan. Add pastina and cook til not quite fully cooked.

Meanwhile, scramble the eggs. Add cheese, breadcrumbs salt, pepper and parsley to eggs and mix well.

When pasta is ready whisk egg mixture into stock. Reduce the heat and cook for 2 or 3 minutes, stirring occasionally. Check seasoning, ladle into soup bowls.

Makes 4 servings.


This is true Italian comfort food. The kind of dish you would make if you were suffering from a bad cold or just looking for some warmth on a frosty day. My Mom would drag us in from ice skating and serve this to us for lunch. It still brings back memories of wet mittens and warm kitchens.

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