Turkey Medallions in Cranberry Sauce

1 lb turkey medallions or cutlets, lightly pounded
1/3 cup flour
1/2 t paprika
1/4 t salt
1/8 t freshly ground pepper
2 T olive oil
1 clove garlic, minced
3/4 cup chicken broth
3 ounces white wine
1 T chopped fresh sage
1/2 cup cranberries, rinsed and drained

Rinse turkey and pat dry. Combine flour, paprika, salt and pepper; dredge turkey in mixture. Add olive oil to a hot skillet. Saute turkey until golden on both sides and turkey is done. Place on warm platter

Add garlic, broth and wine to skillet. Bring to boil, scraping up browned bits. Reduce sauce to 1/2 cup then bring to simmer and add sage and cranberries. Heat thoroughly. Pour sauce over veal.

Makes 4 servings.


This is a recipe I adapted from a recipes using veal and blueberries. So, if you want to use veal, substitute thinly pounded veal cutlets for the turkey, 1/3 cup blueberries for the cranberries and omit the sage.